Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Class 15 - Term 2 Week 4

We have had a very busy week this week.

On Tuesday we made our European Pizzas that we planned linked to our topic of 'Euroquest'. We chose toppings that orginate in different european countries. The most popular choices were: Mozarella. Chorizo, Salami and Frankfurters.

On Wednesday we were lucky to have a visit from Marcel who organised a music workshop for us based on the computer software 'O-Generator'. We all became budding songwriters and learnt how to put music together using drums, guitars
and voices.

This linked nicely into Friday when Ms Brooks helped us to prepare for our Year 6 Eurovision Song Contest. We looked at some previous Eurovision contestants and voted for our favourite in the style of the Eurovision Song Contest based on costume, song and dance.

We then chose a well known song and changed the lyrics to a more European theme and made our singing and dancing as cheesy as possible. Some of our costumes were quite spectacular. The Weathermen proved to be clear winners at the end of the competition with their own 'european' rendition of 'It's raining men.'

Friday, 23 November 2007

Children's blog

This is a new blog that children and their teachers will use to share the fantastic work done in our school. We will try to update it every day.